Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Plant of the Week May 19 - Pulsatilla vulgaris

Finally a day of sun and the pasqueflowers (Pulsatilla vulgaris) really responded!  This species never fails to delight the gardener in spring.  Our first pasqueflowers open in late April but with the large number we have, they will continue to bloom into mid-June.  After that, you get the beautiful silky seedheads which are nearly as attractive.  This species has flowers which may be white, shapes of pink or purple and nearly red.

Pasqueflowers are generally easy to grow.  They simply require full sun and a well-drained soil.  They benefit from a yearly dusting of lime.  While in bloom, they will reach 20-30 cm but the flower stalks can reach to 45 cm when seeds are produced.  They resent disturbance so plant them where they will stay and like peonies, they will get better every year.  Most nurseries sell these but you can grow them from seed.  Seeds require a cold period (to simulate winter) of 8 weeks and the 'tails' are best removed from the seed.  They usually take 2 years to reach blooming size.

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